
Donald Donald Donald Duck

Who is the most stupid cartoon in the Disneyland character ?

I think the answer must be Donald – Donald Duck.

Donald Duck, 76 year-old, his birthday is on June 9. However, he cannot speak really well until nowaday. Donald always wear a sailor shirt, cap and a red bow tie. Donald always made fun by other and made other laught at him, because of his bad and explosive temper. You might never think that Donald is ranking at the 2nd in all Disneyland character.

Funny? Anyone can really understand what he is talking about?

About Donald Duck's VoiceWas performed by Voice Actor Clarenve " Ducky Nash"up to his death in 1985. In 1969, Disney On Parade which toured all over the United States and Canada, hired Ellard Davis as the live voice of Donald Duck. Mr. Davis did the voice for 3 years. Since 1985, Donald has been voiced by Tony Anselmo, who was trained by Nash for the role.

The Disneyland had made a cartoon story to Donald Duck. This is the Christmas Carol. I think most of you have heard about this.  There is a business man in this story, however, he is very grudge and really mean. During the christmas time, every one become very generous. No matter the rich people or poor people. They will buy a lot of presents to their children. However, the rich business man still very mean. Althougt he has many money, he never spend any on the poor. One night he dreamt, 3 poor ghost find him and let him know the feeling of the poor and needy. He scared and woke up. At that time and beyond, he be very generour. He donate money to the needy and buy presents to the children on the christmas day. Why Disneyland use Donald Duck be this mean business man? This is because his character is same as Donald Duck. So, people think he can suit this character.
Although Donald Duck is such a old character and he is so mean, he is cute and has many fans. The Disneyland' s product have atteact a lot of customers to buy.

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