
Winnie the PooHhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wowww……It my term to introduce my favorite character to all of you. Who can guest? Yes, you’re right. My favorite character in Disney is Winnie the Pooh. Do you know about Winnie the Pooh? If NO, let me tell you more about Pooh Pooh.


Until now, Winnie the Pooh is 84 years old. He was born in 1926. He first debut in 1966 in the movie of the Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. He lives in the Funny Hunny Tree. He loves to eat Honey. He always feels hungry therefore he needs to eat everytime. His favorite phrase is “Do you have any honey?” He is fat and cute.

He has lots of best friends. Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo are his best friends. And he got a new friend nearly. It is Lumpy. They love all together and play together.

Do you know why I love him? When I am a child, my parents give it to me as my birthday present. I love it very much because it is cute and lovely. And from that time, I love it until now. Every year, I got many birthday presents about Winnie the Pooh.

My winnie the pooh in my bed~~~

Keep in touch with our blog. In the coming weeks, we will keep undate our blog and tell you more about Disney. If you want to know our favouite characters, please come again and find out which are our favouite characters.


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