
Introduction of Aurora

Hi, everybody. I’m Kate. It’s my turn to tell you guys which princess I am. Let me give you a tip. When I was in my childhood, people always said that I looked like a boy. Yes, I am the number 3, Aurora. Aurora is a character of the story, “Sleeping Beauty”, so she is also called sleeping beauty.

Once upon a time, there was a king. He had got married for a long time but had not had any children. One day, a frog told to the Queen, “You will have a daughter.”

After a year, a princess, Aurora was born. The king was gratefully and invited all the fairies to join the celebration party. However, the king had made a mistake that he had not invited a dark minded fairy.

At the day of the party, each fairy came with a blessing. But after the blessing of eleventh fairy, the dark minded fairy appeared and called down a curse upon Aurora. When Aurora was fifteen years old, she would prick her finger on a spindle and died. Luckily, the twelfth fairy reverse the spell, said that the princess would instead sleep for a hundred years, until awakened by true love's first kiss. Since that, the king burnt out all the tool of textile.

The days passed, people had already forgotten the curse made by the dark minded fairy. At the day of the fifteen years old birthday of Aurora, she chanced to come upon a tower of the castle. She saw an old woman who was spinning. Aurora had not seen the tool of textile before and felt interested. She pricked her finger on a spindle and got hurt.The wicked fairy's curse was fulfilled.

Suddenly, Princess Aurora fell a deep sleep and happened many incredible things. 
All the people and animals living in the castle slept, even the fire of the andiron. The surrounding of castle was full of bramble. These incredible things were spread all over the countries.

After a long period of time, there is a prince passed the castle. When the Prince looked at Aurora, he was attracted by her beautiful face and gave a kiss to her. At that moment, Aurora woke up and they fell in love with each other. And all the people and animals woke up as well after Aurora woke up. It had a happy ending.

Is it interesting? If you want to know who is the next princess, there will be a new post tomorrow. Please keep supporting our blog. Thank you.

Finally, I'd like to share a video to all of you. Michelle will show you how to have charming eyes.
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