
No. 5!! Who is no. 5?

It’s time to reveal who is fatty Number 5!
Hello, I am the slightest girl in this group. That’s me, Eunice Liu. Do you know which princess I will be? Here are some hints.
1. Which film that is released in 1937 with the full-length animated feature?
2. Which princess wakes up after a prince kissing her?

It is too easy, right? Of course, the answer is Snow White. I think each of you have already listened the story of Snow White, but does anyone able to tell us the story from beginning till end completely? Please raise up your left hand. Oh! Nobody can do that. That’s great!

Never mind, today I would like to share this fairy tale in coming hours. Hope you are patient enough for reading the following words. Enjoy!
Snow White appears at theme park: Hong Kong Disneyland during Parade.
Her costume was so detailed and dreamful.
PS. Sorry for my ugly art work, i am not good at design, please ignore any defects.

A long time ago, a princess was born in winter. She has good skin as snow and black hair. Her name was called Snow White. She grew up happily although she has an arrogant stepmother who was pretty too. As stepmother looked in the magic mirror, she asked, “Tell me, mirror on the wall, who is the most pretties at all?” She got the same reply, “You are, my queen”.

But after a year, she asked and heard the mirror said, “Snow White is the most pretties.” The stepmother was extremely angry and her face became dreadful. She said, “It is impossible, no one is prettier than me. I would never give you a chance to live here, Snow White!” She envied Snow White’s beautiful face and decide to call a hunter to take Snow White into the forest that far away the castle and kill her. To ensure Snow White died, she also asked the hunter to bring Snow White’s lung and liver back. If the mission was completed, the hunter would be rewarded.

The greedy hunter took Snow White into forest, but he didn’t kill her because she was rather kind-hearted and beautiful. He said, “I will not kill you, but you can’t come back to castle. The queen will kill you if she saw you. You’d better stay here. Someone will find you.” Then he left.

Snow White found a cottage with small door, small windows and a small chimney pot. Everything was much smaller than what should be in the actual world. Snow White knocked the door.
“Is anybody here?”
She walked around the house, actually it was belonged to seven dwarfs, that were Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey. Snow White was allowed to live there and the dwarfs took care of her. Snow White accepted their hospitality and the next morning, seven dwarfs went out for work. But they warned Snow White, “Remember, do not open the door to strangers!”

At the meanwhile, hunter came back to castle with the lung and liver of wild hog. And said this belonged to Snow White. The stepmother stood in front of the mirror again. But the mirror replied, “The most pretties is Snow White, she lives with seven dwarfs’ cottage which is in the forest.” The stepmother went purple with rage.

“She cannot live in this world, she must die right now!”, she screamed. She put a poisoned apple in basket. Then took the quickest road to the forest, she passed through many mountains and rivers. Finally she saw Snow White stood, waving her hands, to say good-bye to seven dwarfs.

Snow White went back to house and heard someone knocked the door.
“Knock! Knock!”
“Who are you?”, she asked suspiciously.
“I am an old peasant woman, I want to sell you some fabulous apples.”
“I don’t need any apples.”, Snow White replied.
“But they are so juicy and red. You can cook for dinner tonight.”
“I will not open the door to anyone.” Snow White didn’t forget her friends’ warning.
“Oh! Never mind, I place an apple in front of the door. If you feel it is worth to buy, you can find me.” Then the old woman left.
Snow White opened the door and bit an apple. Suddenly she and the apple fell down. When seven dwarfs came back, they found Snow White dead peacefully, and the apple was next beside her. They placed Snow White in the crystal glass coffin. All white rose were around her.
Someday, a young prince arrived because he admired Snow White. He kissed her face and then few seconds later, Snow White woke up. The kiss broke the curse and brought her to life. Finally, they are in love. Snow White became his Queen and lived happily.
After reading the whole story, do you believe that  your prince will come someday? This was definitely a great love story ever. The products and films became more and more popular in the world. As you can watch the film with different languages.

If you are intreasted in the story, I stongly suggest you to search the film in Youtube. It was seriously amazing!
The TV programme was published in 1955. The film was in Chinese. It had already spread into Asian countries.

The famous song, "Someday My Prince Will Come" sang by well-known Japaneses Singer, Ayumi Hamasaki.

Do you wanna be Snow White? It's a makeup tutorial that inspire you having a Princess look at Halloween. I love Micelle Phan so much>3<

Thank you for reading this new post, hope you have a nice dream tonight! Please keep supporting our blogger. Another princess would introduce herself to you tomorrow. Ciao~


 It is the blog for SPD3159 theme park. It is the blog for SPD3159 theme park. It is the blog for SPD3159 theme park. Hong Kong Disneyland, which is one of the theme parks in Hong Kong.

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